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Tag: best cardiologist in Delhi

Life after heart stent surgery in Delhi

Life after Heart Stent Surgery in Delhi | Cardiology Specialist Explains

Heart disease is a major global healthcare issue and patients need heart stent operations to survive. People who have undergone coronary stent placement to clear blocked arteries or who need heart placement of 3 stents because of multiple blockages must properly manage their post-operative life. Delhi

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Cardiomyopathy treatment delhi

What is Cardiomyopathy and its types? Heart Treatment in Delhi

Cardiomyopathy is a condition that weakens the heart muscle, causing it to stiffen, thicken, or enlarge, and sometimes leading to the development of scar tissue. This affects the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively to the rest of the body. The problem can affect people of

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Cardiac Arrhythmia types and causes

Cardiac Arrhythmia Causes and Types | Heart Hospital in Delhi

Cardiac arrhythmia refers to any irregularity in the heart’s rhythm affecting how the heart beats. Understanding arrhythmias maintains heart health, as they can lead to serious complications like stroke or cardiac arrest. Kalra Hospital shares common arrhythmia types​ and factors that may develop heart problems. By

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Heart attack vs heart stroke

Difference Between Heart Stroke and Heart Attack | Cardiologist in Delhi

Heart attacks and strokes are medical emergencies. Both are life-threatening and require quick medical attention. Heart attacks and strokes both involve a problem with blood flow. However, they impact different organs—one affects the heart, and the other affects the brain. Knowing the difference can help you

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Difference Between Angioplasty, Angiography, and Angiogram

Difference Between Angioplasty, Angiography, and Angiogram | Heart Hospital Delhi

If your doctor has suggested procedures like angioplasty, angiography, or an angiogram, you may need clarification on the similarities in their names. While they might sound alike, these terms refer to different medical procedures for diagnosing and treating heart and blood vessel conditions. Understanding these procedures

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diabetes food chart

Diabetic Food Chart for Diabetes Control | Heart Hospital Delhi

Diabetes is a chronic condition. It’s where the body is either unable to produce enough insulin or cannot use this hormone effectively. This imbalance leads to elevated blood glucose levels, which can harm the body’s organs over time if unmanaged. Maintaining a proper diet is essential

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Heart palpitations causes

What are Palpitations, meaning and causes? | Heart hospital Delhi

Heart palpitations are a common experience that many people encounter at least once in their lifetime. While they often feel alarming, palpitations are usually harmless. Understanding the meaning of palpitations, their causes, and the situations in which medical intervention is necessary can help decode this condition.

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what is cpr treatment

What is CPR? Understanding CPR Procedure and Steps for Saving Lives

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving method used during emergencies, such as heart attacks, when someone’s heart has stopped beating. Learning about when and how to perform CPR can help keep blood circulating and oxygen flowing to vital organs until professional help arrives. This blog will

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angina heart specialist in delhi

What is Angina? Is Angina dangerous?

Angina is commonly referred to as chest pain, a condition in which the heart muscles do not receive adequate blood flow. Reduced blood flow can cause an ache or even pain in one’s chest. It is one of the most common symptoms experienced in coronary artery

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Non-Invasive Cardiology procedure types in delhi

Best Non-Invasive Cardiology Procedure Types | Heart Hospital In Delhi

Non-invasive cardiology procedures have become increasingly important in India’s healthcare sector, especially with the rising cases of cardiovascular diseases among the population. With over 32 million Indians affected by heart-related issues, there is an urgent need for effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods that reduce patient discomfort

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